If you're planning to have the "open the relationship" talk...


Are you really ready for "shock and awe"?

You think you're ready to propose... nonmonogamy. But are you? Maybe you've learned about the common lies people repeat because nonmonogamy scares them. That's great! But are you really prepared for the resistance you may get?

This may be one of the toughest and scariest conversations you're ever going to have. You'd better be ready!

This convenient ebook describes the 40 most common forms of resistance you'll likely have to overcome. Each includes my thoughts about their sources and tips for how you might respond.

Written in a straightforward, conversational style, SYGH is a priceless tool to have in your backpack on your journey to the nonmonogamous relationship you want.

  • Be ready when you hear these common statements of resistance
  • Understand where the resistance comes from so you can choose the right approach
  • Know what types of resistance often represent "dealbreakers" and what to do when you run into them
  • The types of resistance you shouldn't discount
  • Your price: only $12.99

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Meet Jim...

The creator of Affirmative Intimacy ® and a relationship educator, published researcher, author and coach, Jim is dedicated to the emotional and relationship wellness of each and every person with whom he interacts. Jim began helping people pursue nonmonogamy and polyamory as a volunteer over 20 years ago. Along the way, he found himself being called upon repeatedly to teach credentialed helping professionals about what he's learned and how to apply it. His research publications in top-ranked scientific journals have been cited scores of times. Now he's making this knowledge and skill available to clients through coaching, courses, and written materials.

When he's not helping other people progress on their nonmonogamy journey, Jim lives his own satisfying polyamorous life, as he has for over 20 years.  

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